I've been away....again! Have been down in Perth with a friend doing a couple of workshops tutored by Donna Downey. What an absolute blast! I'm still on a high and can't believe I finally got to meet her.
Before we even got started we all got a bit of a spiel on the difference between craft and fine art.....her work is classed as fine art apparently. I have a LOT of difficulty with the constant discussions other people have with this topic and the differentiation between the two. I doesn't matter to me. As artists, we have an opportunity to make a statement....just do what you do and make a statement if you want to......or not......for goodness sakes!
The workshops were very hands on and even more full on, and I finally got to learn about and experiment with pan pastels which I've been wanting to do for what seems like forever.
We were each supplied with a journal for experimentation and to document the 40 various techniques Donna led us through.
A blurry shot (what's new) of my partially finished pan pastel canvas.
How embarrassing is the apron? But I'll probably never wash it again because the guru Donna has touched it.
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